Navigate the Financial Wilderness!
Navigate the Financial Wilderness!

Market Overview

Buffett’s time, not Wood’s
Buffett’s time, not Wood’s
Pound retreats ahead of dollar; could fall to 1.2500
Pound retreats ahead of dollar; could fall to 1.2500
The Ukraine conflict will accelerate the adoption of crypto
The Ukraine conflict will accelerate the adoption of crypto
Oil’s rally is over; we are probably entering a long sideways slide
Oil’s rally is over; we are probably entering a long sideways slide
Nasdaq 100, Dow are on the verge of a 20-40% drop from the peak
Nasdaq 100, Dow are on the verge of a 20-40% drop from the peak
Dollar gaining ground on Fed
Dollar gaining ground on Fed
Gold’s balance with upside risks
Gold’s balance with upside risks
Chinese stocks: from laggards to new market ideas
Chinese stocks: from laggards to new market ideas
Markets are tilted towards optimism, a possible bull trap
Markets are tilted towards optimism, a possible bull trap
Natural Gas without hysteria
Natural Gas without hysteria
A strong labour market will force the Fed to increase tightening
A strong labour market will force the Fed to increase tightening
Healthy jobs and income US data helps USD, but not S&P500
Healthy jobs and income US data helps USD, but not S&P500
1 2 3 4 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 561 562 563 564
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