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Crypto Review

Bit-comment: Bitcoin price slides down, falling to stick above $12K
Bit-comment: Bitcoin price slides down, falling to stick above $12K
Triumph of the Bitcoin-maximalists
Triumph of the Bitcoin-maximalists
Bit-comment: Bitcoin remains tied to $12K
Bit-comment: Bitcoin remains tied to $12K
Bit-comment: Bitcoin dominance grew as it considers as ‘digital gold’
Bit-comment: Bitcoin dominance grew as it considers as ‘digital gold’
Bit-comment: Bitcoin proved its volatile nature
Bit-comment: Bitcoin proved its volatile nature
Financial markets collapse consolidates interest around Bitcoin
Financial markets collapse consolidates interest around Bitcoin
Bit-comment: Bitcoin breaks above $12,000
Bit-comment: Bitcoin breaks above $12,000
Bit-comment: Bold move up
Bit-comment: Bold move up
Bitcoin reached $10,000 but world still needs Bitcoin Stable
Bitcoin reached $10,000 but world still needs Bitcoin Stable
Bit-comment: Bitcoin above 10K has restored the faith of buyers
Bit-comment: Bitcoin above 10K has restored the faith of buyers
Bit-comment: Bitcoin’s fight for $10,000 isn’t over yet
Bit-comment: Bitcoin’s fight for $10,000 isn’t over yet
Bit-comment: Bitcoin recover some losses but still below 10K
Bit-comment: Bitcoin recover some losses but still below 10K
1 2 3 4 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 112 113 114 115
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