Trade ETF Derivatives with FxPro
Trade ETF Derivatives with FxPro

Market Overview

How Much of the 20% Surge of Bitcoin Cash is Affected by Bitmain IPO?
How Much of the 20% Surge of Bitcoin Cash is Affected by Bitmain IPO?
Should investors fear October, a historic ‘jinx month’ for stocks?
Should investors fear October, a historic ‘jinx month’ for stocks?
FxPro: Hawkish Fed’s stance as new pressure trigger
FxPro: Hawkish Fed’s stance as new pressure trigger
Fed hikes interest rates, signals strong support for another increase in December
Fed hikes interest rates, signals strong support for another increase in December
FxPro: Asian markets grow despite trade wars, U.S. indices slip on top
FxPro: Asian markets grow despite trade wars, U.S. indices slip on top
Google Unbans Crypto Ads, Will Work With Regulated Firms in US and Japan
Google Unbans Crypto Ads, Will Work With Regulated Firms in US and Japan
Ripple Price (XRP) Pumps after Coinbase Hints at Listing More Coins
Ripple Price (XRP) Pumps after Coinbase Hints at Listing More Coins
Why stock investors shouldn’t fear rising interest rates, in one chart
Why stock investors shouldn’t fear rising interest rates, in one chart
Cryptocurrency Trading Volume to See 50% Growth in 2019
Cryptocurrency Trading Volume to See 50% Growth in 2019
FxPro: U.S. Consumer confidence and Richmond Fed near historical highs
FxPro: U.S. Consumer confidence and Richmond Fed near historical highs
$230 Million: Mt. Gox Trustee Confirms Past Bitcoin Sell-Off
$230 Million: Mt. Gox Trustee Confirms Past Bitcoin Sell-Off
FxPro: Midday EURUSD roundup
FxPro: Midday EURUSD roundup
1 2 3 4 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 574 575 576 577
How would you trade on EURUSD today?
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Sell %
Hold %
How would you trade on Brent today?
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How would you trade on Bitcoin today?
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Hold %