2018 in review: Britain vs. EU
December 28, 2018 @ 09:22 +03:00

This year there were substantive negotiations between the EU and Britain. Sentiments have spoiled the loud resigns in the U.K. government of those who disagreed with the position of PM Theresa May.
FxPro analyst said that all this raised the chances of an unordered, hard, exit and turned the pressure on the GBP. However, the pound took over its losses thanks to subsequent progress: The British Prime minister and the Minister of Brexit was able to harmonize her plan with the EU.
However, in mid-December the document did not got approve the government that the GBPUSD sent below 1.27 was an important support and earlier kept the pound from declining for about a year and a half.
Interestingly, but for the year sterling survive its positions to euro, as the common currency had its own reasons for the decline.