Billionaire Carl Icahn says he may drop up to $1.5B into crypto
May 27, 2021 @ 13:15 +03:00

Former crypto skeptic Carl Icahn, the founder of Icahn Enterprises, told Bloomberg he’s set to enter the crypto market in a “big way” — teasing an investment of around $1.5 billion. Icahn is an investor and former advisor to the Trump administration who has a net worth of $15.6 billion according to Forbes. In 2018 Icahn told CNBC that crypto is “ridiculous” and added “maybe I’m too old for them, but I wouldn’t touch that stuff.”
But speaking on May 26, Icahn explained he’s now considering a large investment and that entering the market in such a manner would “not be to buy a few coins or something”: “I mean, a big way for us would be a billion dollars, billion-and-a-half dollars … I’m not going to say exactly.”
Icahn joins a growing list of fellow billionaires who have changed their tune over crypto in the past 12 months. When asked about what cryptocurrencies he has his eyes on, the billionaire kept his cards close to his chest and emphasized that: “Much of the cryptocurrency issued today will not survive, but we believe cryptocurrency in one form or another might be here to stay. To be clear, we have never bought any cryptocurrency, but we are studying it.”
Billionaire Carl Icahn says he may drop up to $1.5B into crypto, Cointelegraph, May 27