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China accuses US of spreading fear and panic over coronavirus outbreak

China accuses US of spreading fear and panic over coronavirus outbreak

China’s foreign ministry has accused the U.S. of setting a “very bad example” when it comes to tackling the fast-spreading coronavirus outbreak, accusing President Donald Trump’s administration of spreading fear instead of providing much-needed assistance. A spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry said Monday that it was unreasonable for countries around the world to try to prevent people from crossing borders. They singled out the U.S., in particular, for spreading panic instead of offering significant assistance to the coronavirus outbreak.

The White House was not immediately available for comment when contacted by CNBC. China’s National Health Commission confirmed on Monday that there have been 17,205 cases of the coronavirus in the country, with 361 deaths. The number of deaths in mainland China as a result of the virus has now surpassed that of the SARS epidemic, which lasted from 2002 to 2003.

Late last week, Trump signed an order temporarily barring entry to foreign nationals who had traveled to China within the past two weeks. Australia, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Russia and Singapore have all announced similar travel restrictions. The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised against imposing such measures, warning that travel restrictions can cause more harm than good.

China accuses US of spreading fear and panic over coronavirus outbreak, CNBC, Feb 03

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