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Crypto Review

Altcoins Gain Momentum
Altcoins Gain Momentum
The third day of Crypto cooling off
The third day of Crypto cooling off
Crypto: Tug-of-war at new altitude
Crypto: Tug-of-war at new altitude
Crypto market locks in weekly rally
Crypto market locks in weekly rally
Crypto punishes sceptics
Crypto punishes sceptics
Altcoins Acceleration Amid Bitcoin’s New Heights
Altcoins Acceleration Amid Bitcoin’s New Heights
The crypto market stands on top
The crypto market stands on top
Bitcoin’s target is $100K, but could be $70K first
Bitcoin’s target is $100K, but could be $70K first
Crypto Euphoria
Crypto Euphoria
Crypto: volatility without direction
Crypto: volatility without direction
As Bitcoin retreats from the top, Ethereum moves to the bottom
As Bitcoin retreats from the top, Ethereum moves to the bottom
Crypto takes a step back, ready for volatility
Crypto takes a step back, ready for volatility
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 110 111 112 113
How would you trade on EURUSD today?
Buy %
Sell %
Hold %
How would you trade on Brent today?
Buy %
Sell %
Hold %
How would you trade on Bitcoin today?
Buy 33%
Sell 66%
Hold 0%